Zone it out...


It's been almost 3 weeks now of doing the Paleo zone diet and I can honestly say that it works! I was a complete non believer, I even said the words "I'll never do that, I don't have time, who weighs and measures their food?!". This girl does now...and this girl also has dropped some weight (fat) as a result. I feel much better and definitely feel stronger. Within the first week of zoning I was able to get a kipping pull up, something that I've struggled with for 5 months. I also was able to hold myself in the rings when before I jumped up there and my arms flew in every direction, but certainly didn't maintain any stability or hold me up. I can pull myself up on the rings to about armpit level, again, something I definitely couldn't do before. Perhaps this is all coincidence, but I tend to think that a tuned in diet is more to credit for these small successes in my CrossFit journey.

Here is an example of my 3 block breakfast. Breakfast is a meal that I really like, and I like to eat a lot, so in general with three blocks I'm not feeling fully satisfied after breakfast, but three blocks for lunch and dinner is way too much food for me.

So, since I've felt such success with the zone, I thought that I would share some info here that I've found useful and some things you need to get going and get in the zone!

  • Read and Print the Crossfit Journal article on zone dieting, it has a very useful chart with food measurements for one block (available: CF Journal Zone Diet )
  • Buy a scale. Don't just eyeball things, the science behind the zone diet is in the measurement and having that 9, 7, 1.5 (carb, protein, fat) balance
  • Start where you think you are on the chart and stay there for two weeks, modify from there, your body has to adjust to zoning before you can really feel the full effects so don't cheat yourself before it's fully kicked in
  • Be creative, mix it up, and don't eat the same things every day. This gets so boring and you will get burned out quickly
  • Don't forget your fish oil. SFH is great, consistency is pretty nasty, but if you buy the pump you can just shoot that stuff right down the hatch. If you take the pills you generally have to take a LOT of them throughout the day to get the recommended dose (and that does is usually different than what the bottle tells you)
  • There are so many helpful websites out there with really fantastic recipes. Here are a few of the ones that I use:
    Multiply Delicious
    Health Bent
    Steve's Paleo Zone


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