Nago Pineapple Park


Today was a marvelous day in all meanings of the word! The weather was perfect, the sun was out, the sea was turquoise, and I went to the Disney of pineapples. It was fantastic! Pineapple Park is a total tourist attraction if there ever was one, but why not go to a place where you ride around in a pineapple shaped golf cart that drives itself?!

There is a winery on site that makes (and sells more importantly) pineapple wine. I did come home with two bottles; sparkling pineapple wine, and dry pineapple wine. Both were rather fantastic...and I did sample everything they had to offer (without an allergic reaction!)

Pineapple Park also brought a new Kit Kat to my collection (Beni-Imo) so that was fun, I can't wait for my taste testers to try it out!

Ufuya (means Big House)
After Pineapple Park we ventured to a restaurant called Ufuya. Turns out there are no signs in English to locate this place, but it was worth the searching (and drive through a cemetery) to get there. This place was like Swiss Family Robinson...with great food! Unfortunately I didn't plan ahead for "traditional Japanese" and chose to not wear socks with my shoes today which resulted in some awkward feelings and lots of embarrassment when it came time to remove our shoes to enter the restaurant for the meal. Lesson learned, I will never leave the house without socks in my purse.

All in all a great day...but now I'm exhausted...and stuffed...and I've eaten (and drank) my weight in it's time for stretchy pants and some relaxation...I had a long hard day being the navigator...huge success in that department by the way as I sit here typing from my own computer, back safe and sound in my hotel room!


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