Oktoberfest...Fairbanks style

Books read:
Sh*t My Dad Says


It's that time of year...the polka is playing, the beer is flowing, lederhosens are dusted off, beer maids are a plenty, and morals are at an all time low (not mine of course!) You guessed it, Oktoberfest!
Here in Fairbanks Oktoberfest is held at a local restaurant/brewery, Silver Gulch Brewery. I checked the weather before leaving my hotel and it said 64 degrees and sunny (the event didn't start until 7:30pm) so I wore the short sleeves and brought a light jacket, after all, 64 is beautiful. Right.

Oktoberfest consisted of a large tent outside of the brewery, thankfully that had a large bonfire going (although I don't know how much of a good idea that was once people really got drunk, I didn't stay long enough to find out!). It turns out that 64 didn't last long and it dipped down into what felt like 30 to me, but was probably 50. Everyone kept ranting about how beautiful it was outside while I kept creeping closer and closer to the fire to thaw myself!

They had a very large polka band, very large being approximately 20 people. Every so often they would chant something (requiring audience participation) and people would raise their glasses and chant back...must be a German thing.

The wait staff was dressed in bar maid outfits, many of which had no business squeezing into said outfit. Several patrons even went all out for the event, wearing bar maid outfits and Lederhosen's. One man looked like he rolled out of the woods after a year and just happened to find this event, but that's pretty typical "Alaskan"

Sadly I do not have pictures of this event, I was too busy trying to stay warm!

It was a fun (freezing) event, I tried one of their local brews, Lowbush Cranberry which was a Belgian style and was pretty ok...for Alaskan beer!

When all was said and done, I couldn't get to my car quick enough to get those heated seats cranking...if only I'd worn my long underwear...but my long underwear will be getting a post all of it's own in the near future! Until then...Prost!!!


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