Day 9: Shopping in KTM, Playing with the Kiddos, and Learning to Make Momo's

There were a few things that I absolutely didn't want to leave KTM without. The tea that I've become addicted to (that I can only describe as similar to chai tea, but that description is doing it a huge injustice), spices to attempt to replicate the delicious meals I've had here (or better yet to convince someone else to cook for me!), some candies that you can only get in Nepal, and lastly some super soft cotton (don't cringe at that word this is like the most soft fabric ever) jammies for my nephew. Once I touched the fabric I also bought my self a blanket. Once you wash it, it becomes even softer! Because I was taken by Resha and her mother, we went directly to the factory where everything is hand sewn, so I had the ability to pick the fabric, my nephew will have custom made jammies finished by tomorrow. I had a choice of so many fabrics, it was nearly impossible to choose, so I went with a very "traditional Nepali" fabric in a beautiful blue, instead of the cute rhinos or elephants that I was oh so tempted to go with. I can't wait to see them and mail them off to him with his other Nepali gifts!

After the sewing factory it was off to buy spices, tea and sweets. The store I probably could have left with pounds of things, thankfully I have a one suitcase limit. I'm also not trying to exchange more currency, so there was that also! I spent nearly every last penny that I had though!

Next up was lunch with the kiddos. While today had initially been planned as a down and chill day it actually turned out pretty busy. Tomorrow is a very full day, it also happens to be my last day in Nepal. It's so terribly sad and unimaginable that this trip is already coming to an end. I vividly remember showing up here and having so many days ahead of me, it seems as though I blinked my eyes and now I'm approaching my departure date. But not without so many amazing adventures and memories to show for it. This trip has been so amazing and I'm so fortunate to have experienced it.

This evening I had the opportunity to learn to make momo's. If you've been to Nepal you've eaten momo's and if you haven't eaten momo's...well, then you certainly haven't been to Nepal. Momo's are like dumplings. Or like a distant relative to the Japanese gyoza. Tasty little steamed dough filled morsels. Holy goodness are they time consuming and tedious to make! I have a new found appreciation for momo's after seeing how labor intensive they are. It was really amazing being able to see the process (and try it out) and to learn in a true Nepali kitchen with Resha's mom.

As I head to bed, I have one last day of excitement on the horizon and I can't wait to share it...but that will have to wait until tomorrow! But until then, here's the Quik video of today! Have I mentioned yet how much I'm going to miss Nepal?


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