Bali Day 10: A Very Bali Christmas


Merry Christmas from Bali!

A slow and relaxing day in Bali that started off VERY rainy (it's rainy season here so that's to be expected, and this morning it showed no signs of letting up!) When it finally reduced to a drizzle from a downpour, I decided to venture out into downtown Ubud. I keep meaning to turn my Garmin on to calculate the mileage because it's a bit of a walk, but I forget. Either way with the back and forth walk I'm well over 10,000 steps!

After finally doing the calculations (on my currency converter because yes I still can't figure out Rupiah to save my ass) I discovered that the going rate for a 1 hour massage is approximately $7!! I would have been getting these every single day had I been smart enough to figure it out. So tomorrow I plan to get a massage!

Stopped again at the real estate place and looked at the options they have posted outside. I've come to the conclusion that I need a sugar daddy...for $1.6 million (US) I can have a whole compound of villas. It's an investment! I also don't want to leave Bali so a gaggle of villas would help make that possible!

Want to know what else is going to keep me in Bali. The fruit. I stopped at a roadside stand on the walk back to my villa to buy fresh mangoes. I'm used to Okinawa prices, so when she told me the price I said "for one?" nope that was the price for the bag full. I got a massive bag of mangoes for less than $2. NEVER. LEAVING. BALI. A sweet local woman, also purchasing mangoes, helped me to make sure that I got good mangoes in my bag, and also made sure to tell me that it was the same price she was paying, local price. You see, things here in Bali come in two prices almost everywhere you go, domestic and foreign. Foreigners pay way more for things than locals. At the hot spring near Mt Batur there were separate entrances, ticket booths, and springs for foreign and locals. I can only imagine how little they had to pay to get in.

I came back to the villa and spent the rest of the day lounging in the pool and eating junk food/snacks. I burned over 1000 calories on my hike yesterday so a little binge was well earned!

Although it is much shorter than previous days videos, my time here is no less treasured or valuable than any other day. My Christmas in Bali, while not traditional in any sense of the word, was filled with love. Thank you for the messages, the Facetime, and to those who have been there with me through some shit in addition to enjoying the rainbows and glitter. I love and appreciate you all. This year has truly been about focusing on what I do have, and not what I do not. Mostly with humans. I am so eternally grateful for the amazing humans in my corner, I owe you my life, some of you probably more than one.


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