Bali Day 16: It's Not Goodbye It's See You Later, New Years Eve at 10,000 Feet, and Recovering From a Travel Hangover


I woke up this morning, feeling not like the other mornings in Bali. Like someone throw me a Xanax and quick!  An intense morose feeling had crept into my body and I was trying to balance that while also appreciating the last moments that I had on this precious island.

I thoroughly enjoyed my last delicious (cooked/prepared for me) breakfast. Have I mentioned that fruit?! I surely will not forget that fruit!

I enjoyed a conversation with Ogy talking about his wedding, my stay here and how it was so wonderful because of him, his family, the villa, and wishing him well on his upcoming wedding.

Sadly Made couldn't take me to the airport to drop me off, his in laws became ill and he had to tend to them, he sent me a message late in the evening letting me know, so I had a new person transporting me. Perhaps for the better. I'm not certain that my heart could take the sadness of saying goodbye to my sweet friend. I think the Universe knows how to take care of you. My last moments with Made were trekking the volcano, laughing and sharing that moment together, enjoying breakfast on the top of it, and joking about it and our adventures over 2+ weeks on the ride home. I treasure those last memories rather than sad goodbye ones that could have come from today.
I did make sure to send him a message to again thank him profusely for being an amazing friend (he lost "driver" status a LONG time ago) and adventure buddy, reminding him that my trip to Bali wouldn't have been what it was without him.
If I could have done it without a language barrier/confusion I would have told him he's pretty damn famous through the blog/my instagram stories and everyone basically loves him more than me :)

Vacation hangover is such a real thing, and I'm already super aware that it's happening to me and I haven't even left Bali yet as I'm sitting at the airport typing this. I know with time that it will pass, but I also need to remind myself that I love Japan, that I'm super lucky to have the opportunity to live and work there (despite it being balls ass cold there in Tokyo at the present moment), and that just because I'm boarding a plane leaving Bali now, does not mean my book is finished, so many chapters left to write, adventures to be had, and amazing people to impact my life. It's exciting to think about!

So apparently you can't take black sand in your carry on through Bali airport. Fun fact. Or maybe I was just the lucky winner of the selective screening lotto. Either way, I got mine confiscated and won't have that little souvenir coming home with me. They did indicate that if I had put it in a checked bag (I traveled carry on only) then I could keep it. Not sure how that changes my black sand, but it does.

I started this post while in Bali at the airport and I'm finishing it now back at my place in Japan. I love Japan and I'm truly lucky to live and work here, but give me some time to decompress from what truly was a magical trip!

In the process of traveling home I crossed two different date lines. Flying from From Bali to Singapore, and Singapore to ultimately I got to celebrate New Years like none other. Go big or go home...or go big while going home!

Today's pics are super brief but include a mix of Bali and Japan...
I won't be posting daily anymore, but stay tuned, some big things in the mix. I do have some Bali recap posts coming up as well as a full Bali itinerary for anyone planning a trip and not sure of where to go/what to do, I'll include "My Favorite Things". Hope it's helpful!


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